If only there was a world without Islam - a dream kingdom of Islamophobes - it may not look too different to a current world for Eastern Christianity would supplant and feed Anti-Western ideology - according to an article in Foreign Affairs. Middle East would be a pawn and a headache whatever the religion of its inhabitants may be.
Continuing in the vein of historical "ifs" for today is an anniversary of Crystal Night. If there were no Holocaust, there would be no Palestinian problem, for there would be no Jewish state. It is inconceivable that it may have appeared other than a result of a Post-War settlement. Iran and Palestinians should really be blaming Germany and Germans for disposing of Europe's Jewish population.
The End of Eternity
2 weeks ago
True. True. The real point is the presence of oil, and Islam has nothing to do with that.
Thats why it is useless to engage in historical what ifs. The world would probably be just as bad with or without Muslims, Jews or Communists. People have a need to to butcher other people regardless. If there was no oil, Noolabeulah, Middle East would be dirt poor and even more unstable.
So is there something emdemic among humans that makes us want to kill each other from time to time? Maybe it's just the need for resources, and the religious and cultural identities are nothing more than excuses to act on our impulses.
It seems that when you look at history of entire world, the only time people stop killing one group of people is when they band together to kill another. And then, as soon as that threat is gone they go back to killing each other.
Look at beginning of Holy Crusades. Pope Urban basically said "Don't waste your time killing each other when there are plenty of foreigners that you could be killing." - and we called that religion! It doesn't seem that other civilizations have practices the art of peace any better than the Europeans have either.
If there were no humans, there won't be no bloody history!
Some might see in this a perfect reason to kill off all humans!
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