Azerbaijan's Eurovision Hysteria has been brought to a close today. One of the three was elected to represent our nation in the Eurovision song contest in May - to be judged, to beat Armenia and to shine on European stage. And feed population with more of a European dream. No matter that friendly European Home barely exist, no matter that we will never join so-called European family, being culturally and economically distant from the West. What matters is the effort.
Build-up to the selection was country-wide and support elevated to the highest level. One can find it laughable that interest in this contest consumes average people on the street. But the fact that our country will be finally represented on Eurovision, generates enormous amount of pride.
I compare Eurovision to World Cup football games - they are generators of national pride; pride that gets over the top when teams perform well, or even get to participate in the event which is no more than eleven people passing the ball to each other. And so was today - too far from any actual musical talent.
My favourite rock group did not win, by the way. Our entry will be bland song by Elnur Husseynov. Just the fare for European audiences to show how Western we are.
Neither Secularism Nor Islamism…
3 weeks ago
Yep, bland is the key. It is the Euro-quality par excellance. Anything else would run the risk of exposing the unmentionable fact that Europeans despise each other.
As far as I know, the only reason people watch Eurovision here is to listen to Terry Wogan make fun of it. It's a purely camp interest.
Sorry, but I must ask. How did Azerbaijan get into the Eurovision Song Contest?
Because we are in Europe. Simple. Anyone who says they are European can join,
Yeah, I never could see the point of that daft contest. I only watched it to chuckle at Terry Wogan's naughty commentary.
Imagine if Iran participated in the Eurovision contest (because they can argue they are in Europe). Do you think the US will freak out and use it as an excuse to military correct their musical shortcomings?
I guess you are both missing my point. Iran has so far not argued that it is a European country, so has Algeria or Syria. Even Israel does not want to be a part of European space, whatever that is. But we do, so does Turkey, Ukraine, Moldova etc. That's why we are in Eurovision, singing daft songs and thinking it is very important step on the road to membership - I am serious.
If Azerbaijan is going to be in Europe, it's got to bring in another country with whom it shares a mutual scorn. So who's it going to be? Iran? Georgia? Russia? No-one's allowed in unless they hate and despise another member of the club.
BTW, I'm still waiting for the explanation of an article Miss Riri's ticker-tape led me to. According to this Algerian newspaper, Algeria had applied to be a member of the British Commonwealth! Now that is more Cloud Cuckoo Land than Azerbaijan in the Eurovision. But did the said Miss Riri deign to explain this outrageous assault on common sense? Did she hell!
[BTW2, have either of you seen Pontevorvo's Battle of Algiers? I tried to watch it last night, but my Amazon rental copy was a crasher and I only saw about 3 scenes.]
I don't mate mate, sounds phony to me. All I know is that they have applied to be a member of the WTO and a commercial partner to the EU. In any case, here's a tip, never trust what the Algerian press has to say. Most of them think they're being honest, but sometimes they get so overwhelmed with their sense of honesty that they do not find the right words to put it on paper. Hence it almost invariably prints out as a huge lie.
Oops, see what I mean. Just happened to me there. I meant to say: "I don't know mate" NOT "I don't mate mate". World of a difference there.
You saucy thing!
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