Thought Archive

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Snow in Baku


Vanny said...

so where's this demographic explosion you've been warning us and complaining about? I can only see two people inhabit Baku + the creature who is taking the photo so that's 3 people. Hardly going to bring natural resources to an end are they!

Sometimes I do deplore your tendency to exagerate Nazim - you should take example on me when it comes to saying things like they are no more no less.

NoolaBeulah said...

Who was the creature taking the photo? Is he the one causing this "demographic explosion"? What is his part in all this?

Hazar Nesimi said...

Wait! - what explosion you are talking about. Anyway, since the people stay at home during snowstorm, it is a sure sign of a future population explosition to come, and soon you will see them eating into our natural resources...

My part in it is little, unfortunately!

Hazar Nesimi said...

Snowstorm is getting worse ... tonight -7C forecasted.